WXXIV Seller


Curated watch collection for the discerning watch collector. We offer verfied authenticity and secure trading for watch collectors and sellers.

Watch Photos

Great photos of your watches are essential for attracting shoppers and helping them make a decision. Learn how with the following tips.

Featured Image

For the best results, please use a high-resolution photo of just the watch. Additional accessories are not permitted, do keep in mind that a white background will make it easier to see the details of your product.

Sample Image of watch

Things to keep in mind.

  • Please do not take photos in portrait orientation
  • Center the image in the shot.

Image Quality

There is no need for an expensive camera as most modern phones have great cameras built-in.
Also, note to turn off the flash on your phone.


Note:  The ideal solution for the featured image is to use a small lightbox to take pictures of the watch. These come with built-in lighting and helps to make your watch look its best. Relatively inexpensive and available from Takealot or many other photographic vendors.

Why 10:10?

Note:  Always set your watch to 10:10 before taking pictures. Some fascinating research indicates that when the watch is set to 10:10, it resembles a smiling face and significantly positively affects the observer's emotion and intention to purchase.

Gallery photos

As with all the photos, try to take the pictures in a well-lit environment. And ensure that the photographs are focused on the details of the watch and relevant material like the box, certificates etc.

Watch Preparation

Make sure your watch is clean and free of any smudges or fingermarks before taking pictures.

Other notes

Here is some important other things to consider.

  • You should crop all images to a 1-to-1 ratio (Square) if you use our Add Watch tool from the “My Account” section. We have tools to assist you in cropping your images to a 1-to-1 ratio.

Watch Text

When you add a product, it is essential to complete the required information as accurately as possible. This will assist potential buyers in adequately identifying your product as something they may be looking for. Omitting important information could lead to a lost sale.

Ensure that you accurately detail the condition of the watch and note all crucial aspects of its current state. This will ensure that your potential buyer has the most accurate information possible and will provide a smooth trade experience.

If you require assistannce with the specification or listing please do not hesitate to reach out to us for asistance.